
All People’s Party (APP) was founded by its current leader Mr Gumbo Ali Touray. Mr Touray was the Director of International Affairs at The University of The Gambia. He famously wrote a letter to President Yahya Jammeh accusing the former Vice Chancellor Mr Muhammadou Kah of Nepotism, and he got charged with a crime of lying to a public official. He beat the case and took refuge in London, UK until the end of Jammeh’s reign in 2016.

In an interview with The Standard Newspaper, mr Touray said the following answering to why he joined politics and where is political base is.

Why join politics now?
Primarily, my decision to join politics is to serve my country. If you want to effect change, then you have to be part of it. I think we have to be on board in order to contribute more effectively and in order to achieve any political change that you may wish and for that reason, yes we have to join a political party in order to drive for changes.

So who are the members of your party the APP, what is your base?
I think I would like to say this is a party for everybody. We have stated categorically that this is a party for the people, that this is a people-owned party. When something happens, people tend to come up with different interpretations. By and large, not always are they genuine. And again, some people just like to criticise – I think it is just human nature – but I would say categorically that this is a party for the people. We will have Gambians abroad as members. We will have members in The Gambia, we will have farmers and the differently-abled persons to join. We have in fact demonstrated that when we were being awarded a certificate. People of all categories of life form the membership of this party.

Mr Touray is from Balangharr in CRR.

Dr Abdoulaye Saine is the Secretary general of APP.

All People’s Party (APP) does not have any elected officials in government on any level.