The Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC) is a truth commission in The Gambia to investigate the Yahya Jammeh era from 1994 to 2017. The process from the announcement of the commission to its launch lasted from 20 July 2017 to 15 October 2018. Its executive secretary is Baba Galleh Jallow, its lead counsel is Essa M. Faal, and the chairperson of the 11-strong commission is Lamin J. Sise.

Dr Baba Jallow Executive Secretary.JPG

Dr. Baba Jallow

Executive Secretary

Musu Bakoto Sawo Deputy Executive Secretary.JPG

Musu Bakoto Sawo

Deputy Executive Secretary

Essa M. Faal

Lead Counsel

Horejah Bala Gaye Deputy Lead Counsel.JPG

Horejah Bala Gaye

Deputy Lead Counsel

Alagie Barrow Director of Research and Investigations.JPG

Alagie Barrow

Director of Research and Investigations

Rohey Samba Director of Communications, Outreach and Media.JPG

Rohey Samba

Director of Communications, Outreach and Media

Lamin J Sise Chairperson.JPG

Dr. Lamin J Sise


Adelaide Sosseh Gaye Deputy Chairperson.JPG

Adelaide Sosseh Gaye

Deputy Chairperson

Imam Ousainou Jallow Muslim Community.JPG

Imam Ousainou Jallow

Commissioner | Muslim Community

Bishop James Yaw Allen Odico Christian Community.JPG

Bishop James Yaw Allen Odico

Commissioner | Christian Community

Anna Ngalu Jones Civil Society.JPG

Anna Ngalu Jones

Commissioner | Civil Society

Mustapha Kah Youth rep.JPG

Mustapha Kah

Commissioner | Youth rep

Ma Nyima Bojang WCR.JPG

Ma Nyima Bojang

Commissioner | West Coast Region

Amie Samba LRR.JPG

Amie Samba

Commissioner | Lower River Region

Imam Abdourahman Sey CRR.JPG

Imam Abdourahman Sey

Commissioner | Central River Region

Jammeh Ceesay URR.JPG

Jammeh Ceesay

Commissioner | Upper River Region

Lang Kinteh.JPG

Lang Kinteh.

Commissioner | North Bank Region