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Is President Barrow a Unifying Leader or an ungrateful Betrayer......?

Is President Barrow a Unifying Leader or an ungrateful Betrayer......?

By Mr Zakaria Kemp Konteh

There is no dispute in the fact that not much was known about the then candidate Adama Barrow when he was introduced to Gambians and to the world by the United Democratic Party in the run up to the 2016 Presidential election. This came against the backdrop of UDP executive members' courageous and defiant match in April of that year demanding proof of life or the body of late Solo Sandeng resulting in their infamous arrest and subsequent incarceration.

It should be noted that years of sustained persecution against UDP had led to both forced and voluntary exile of many of its educated, experienced and more qualified members while scaring away others from seeking/taking the mantle. After what appeared to be an intense internal deliberations, Adama Barrow emerged as an ideal or quintessential choice of the party for our country's highest office.

To the UDP, Adama Barrow was a trustworthy, humble and affable Deputy Treasurer whose benevolence and commitment to the party over the years had earned him the respect and admiration within the party hierarchy and support structure.

Close observation from the outside revealed a different picture of the UDP chosen candidate. Barrow came across as someone with apparent limitations in political knowledge, policy acumen, eloquence, confidence and charisma. Arguably, there was very little or no evidence that tied Barrow as an individual to anything of significance in the context of politics and governance. Of interest, there was no record of Barrow's post secondary/high school education. He did not provide anything relating to his work or experience in the formal sector, a track record in social/civil services or even in philanthropy. Barrow's name did not also feature among outstanding names in the 22 -year liberation struggle. He was simply a Real Estate Businessman and a United Democratic Party Executive. Period!

Given what was at stake in The Gambia at the time - freedom from fear, murder, intimidation, imprisonment and torture amongst others perpetrated by Yahya Jammeh led APRC government - Gambians genuinely paid no mind to some of Barrow's obvious shortcomings. We were not rallying behind him on the account of his professional competence/accomplishments or his stand/ sacrifice in the struggle. We threw our weight behind him because situation in The Gambia required concessions from all of sides in the supreme interest of the country and because of sympathy and support for the party that nominated him in the first place. Barrow would go on to become an Independent Coalition candidate which pit him against the bloodiest tyrant of our generation.

On the trail, Barrow's campaign had enjoyed broad public acknowledgment, moral and financial support from Gambians of all walks of life including the combined diaspora powerhouse that pumped in millions of Dalasis to boost the oppositions' daring 'save The Gambia' efforts. Voters on the ground were well motivated, hardened and energized with an abiding objective to kick the dictator out of the State House and usher in a new era of political, social, economic and institutional dispensations. It was a kind of coordination the like of which was never seen before in our election history. Those well meaning activities paid off. Victory was triumphantly declared on December 2nd, 2016. Gambians breathed a sigh of relief. Dictator Jammeh was humiliated at the polls but only for the celebration to be cut short by the intransigence of the defeated President, sending our country to the brink of instability.

I was in The Gambia when President Barrow returned from Senegal shortly after the impasse.The euphoria, unity, relief and joy that greeted our new President at the airport and accompanied him all the way to his residence quite unprecedented. Support for the President continued to increase as Gambians adjusted to the joyful realities of a post dictatorship era for the first time in 22 years.

But President Barrow's first leadership test and his commitment to building on the united front and energy came at the selection of his first cabinet. He did not score favorably well especially as diaspora was noticeably absent in all the announced portfolios.

Although the President continued to heap praises of gratitude to the diaspora for their important support and contributions during the struggle and the historic election, he failed to translate the rhetoric into tangible political decisions.

Bizarrely, the former Speaker of the National Assembly was appointed to the diplomatic corps as Ambassador against the considered wish of Gambians. Here is a man who presided over a treasonous conspiracy hatched to prolong Jammeh's rule by declaring a state of emergency. Such a high profile appointment was a policy and political miscalculation bordering on indifference to and betrayal of the painful experience of the population during the impasse. Despite the chorus outcry, President Barrow refused to rescind Abdoulie Bojang's appointment. He stood his ground.

As cabinet positions were being announced, we all took sides as to why PDOIS leadership 'declined' to take up executive positions. Hon Sallah, in particular, was not only among the most prominent architects of the Coalition, he was also instrumental in guiding Barrow on the campaign trail and even more so in the difficult period of the impasse. During this tense episode, Hon Sallah meticulously and selflessly offered effective, steady and calmed leadership. He did so for the good of the country.

So, when State House issued that blistering response to Hon Sallah accusing him of apportioning blame than taking responsibility which was seized on by Sallah's opponents, we failed as a people to detect the subtle betrayal of the President against those who were with him in difficult circumstances. It was not long before the President unveiled what he had in store for us.

Months later, he dropped the unexpected harmer when he decided, without warning or genuine explanation, to relieve Hon Mai Ahmad Fatty of his cabinet appointment as the Interior Minister. Fatty was not like any other Minister. He was proactive, hardworking, charismatic, articulate, admired and respected with firm leadership style and an uncompromising approach to National Security. His departure sent a shockwave and left a country reeling for answers. Except for few people who had personal animosity toward Hon Fatty, the entire country was thrown into somber mood at his unceremonious sacking. Fatty became the first direct casualty of a betraying President. Hon Fatoumata Tambajang, OJ and Henry Gomez would follow suit in another cabinet shakeup as the President began consolidating his grip on power and looking past the current 5 year mandate. President Barrow then took on board former APRC government Ministers and positioned them in key sectors in a willful rebuke to Gambians.

Hon Fatty is now back as a Special Adviser to the President only because Barrow is feeling the heat of isolation, plummeting popularity among Gambians and a worsening credibility.

Perhaps another significant sign of Barrow's betrayal and disintegration approach is his public embrace of and unwavering support for BYM in pursuit of his political ambition. Instead of uniting and empowering the Youths of the country as head of state through the National Youth Council, the President has subcontracted our nation's developmental agenda to this loose body of largely opportunists and hangers-on who have little or no intellect, ability or the wisdom to improve the lives of Gambians. At the President's behest, BYM is collaborating with and giving platform to individuals and entities that vehemently opposed the very efforts that brought him to power.

For a President who was elected by the collective will, unity and support of the majority of Gambians, taking such a divisive route two years down the line is regrettable. We now hear President Barrow claim absolute credit for the regime change and does not miss a chance to remind us of the powers he wields as our President.

Thus, it is our duty as conscientious citizens of the The Gambia to severely punish such painful betrayal at the next polls, nip President Barrow's second term bid in the bud while sending unmistakable message to all politicians that Gambians shall never again naively surrender their sovereignty to ungrateful and self-perpetuating leaders no matter who they are!

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