Based in Atlanta, Georgia, Gam-Matters is an imprint of 220 media, and we cover politics and policy news from The Gambia.

Storm Ahead

Storm Ahead

The people have not heard the last of Yahya Jammeh, and he is plotting to come back in a big way. He and Adama Barrow are counting on you forgetting about everything that Jammeh did before they normalize his open participation in our politics.
Since the political leaders of the country decided to turn the transition period into a joke, there is no way of knowing what dire consequences lay ahead for the unsuspecting population.
The time for blaming has passed us by, so it’s time to look forward to what it is that we can all do to minimize the damage.
Having lied about his intention to oversee a transitional period and move on, Adama Barrow has forfeited his rights to be believed by the Gambian people in the future, but that doesn’t mean that we should not take his gamble seriously. We have all heard the saying, “desperate times call for desperate measures”, and for a man that is so transfixed on remaining in power, there is very little that Adama Barrow would not do for another five years.
Since the last time we checked, Adama Barrow has become beholden to the interests of many unscrupulous individuals. These people only care about themselves, and since our President is not smart enough to figure out when he is being used, they were able to convince him that he is doing a great job as president. They also convinced him to surround himself with Jammeh’s ministers and other enablers, because that’s the only way to ensure doing business as usual. He also cultivated his own group of benefactors along the way, and his presidency is being exploited by all those people to rob the poor unsuspecting Gambians of their lands, dignity and livelihood. There are real people behind all those mysterious gifts that Barrow is all of sudden able to afford, and they are doing it because they love you.
Adama barrow and his team are leaving the door wide open for an eleventh hour endorsement from the former dictator Yahya Jammeh. He already has his cabinet, and at least one of his political advisers served in the same role for Yahya Jammeh in the past. Whether this endorsement delivers an extended presidency to Barrow and his National Development Party (NPP) or not depends on how prepared the people and the opposition are to counter its blow.
It is no secret that Alliance For Patriotic Reorientation and Construction (APRC) is still taking its matching orders from Yahya Jammeh, so it won’t take much for them to all fall in line when he gives the word.

Since the toothless parliament would not ban Yahya Jammeh’s political action group, which is exactly what it is, and the citizens cannot agree on the fact APRC was nothing but a vehicle for the legitimization of a military junta, then it’s up to those who can educate the voters on the looming danger of Barrow becoming beholden to the man that held our country hostage for 22 years.
APRC is openly calling for the return of Yahya Jammeh. The sensible ones might have given up on the idea of him returning to State House, but are we really ready to give up on prosecuting Yahya Jammeh for all the atrocities that he ordered and oversaw? That is the minimum that even the sensible party militants would like to see for Jammeh. If we allow Barrow to take us for another ride, then there won’t be anyone to blame but ourselves.

Why I oppose the Final Draft.

Why I oppose the Final Draft.

The Elephant In The Room

The Elephant In The Room