Gambia For All
PREAMBLE ........................................................................................................................................ 1
PART ONE Article 1: Article 2: Article 3: Article 4:
IDENTITY ............................................................................................................... 4Name ......................................................................................................................... 4Symbol ....................................................................................................................... 4
PART TWO - Article 5: Article 6:
PART THREE –Article 7: Article 8:
Article 10: PART FOUR –
Article 11: Article 14: Article 15: Article 16: Article 17: Article 18: Article 19: Article 20: Article 21: Article 22:
PART FIVE –Article 24: Article 25: Article 27: Article 28: Article 29: Article 31:
Colours ...................................................................................................................... 4Motto......................................................................................................................... 4 AIMS AND OBJECTS .................................................................................................. 4Aim ............................................................................................................................ 4Objectives ................................................................................................................. 4 MEMBERSHIP ........................................................................................................ 5Class .......................................................................................................................... 5Individual Membership ............................................................................................. 5Affiliated Members ............................................................................................... 6 BASIC PARTY ORGANISATION ............................................................................... 6Branch.................................................................................................................... 6Branch Executive Committee (BEC) ........................................................................ 6Composition ........................................................................................................... 6Duties of the Branch Executive Committee ................................................................. 6Constituency Executive Committee (CEC) ............................................................... 7Composition ........................................................................................................... 7Duties of the Constituency Executive Committee ................................................... 7Area Executive Committee (AEC)............................................................................ 8Composition .......................................................................................................... 8Duties of the Area Executive Committee (AEC)....................................................... 8 MASS MOBILISATION STRUCTURES ....................................................................... 9Women’s League................................................................................................... 9Composition .......................................................................................................... 9Meetings ............................................................................................................. 10Youth League ....................................................................................................... 10Composition ........................................................................................................ 10Meetings .................................................................................................................... 11
PART SIX Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article
– HIERARCHY AND DIRECTION ..................................................................................... 11
PART SEVEN: Article 52: Article 53: Article 54: Article 55:
PART EIGHT: ARTICLE 56: Article 57: Article 58: Article 59: Article 60: Article 61:
32: 33: 34: 35: 36: 37: 38: 39: 40: 41: 42: 43: 44: 45: 46: 47: 48: 49: 50: 51:
National Congress ................................................................................................ 11Composition ......................................................................................................... 11Functions and Powers of the Congress ................................................................ 11Decisions .............................................................................................................. 11Meetings- Ordinary Session ................................................................................. 12Meetings- Extraordinary Session.......................................................................... 12Congress Bureau ................................................................................................. 12Decisions ............................................................................................................. 12Qualification ....................................................................................................... 12National Executive Committee (NEC) ................................................................... 12Delegation........................................................................................................... 12Composition ........................................................................................................ 12Functions ............................................................................................................. 13Meetings ............................................................................................................. 13Central Committee .............................................................................................. 13Composition ........................................................................................................ 13Functions ............................................................................................................. 14National Executive Secretariat ............................................................................. 14Composition ........................................................................................................ 14Functions.............................................................................................................. 14 PUBLIC OFFICE HOLDERS......................................................................................... 15Selection of Candidates ........................................................................................ 15Selection Regulations .......................................................................................... 15Party Parliamentary Committee .......................................................................... 15Composition ........................................................................................................ 15 FUNDS AND OTHER PROPERTY............................................................................ 16Honorary Treasurer ........................................................................................... 16Finance Committee ............................................................................................. 16Funds................................................................................................................... 16Banking ............................................................................................................... 16Other Property .................................................................................................... 16Trustees............................................................................................................... 16 ACCOUNTATABILITY................................................................................................ 17
Article 62: Article 63: Article 64:
PART TEN: Article 65: Article 66: Article 67:
PART ELEVEN: Article 68:
Financial records ................................................................................................. 17Internal Controls ................................................................................................. 17External Audit ..................................................................................................... 17
DISCIPLINE AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION.................................................................. 17Disciplinary Committee ..................................................................................... 17Procedure .......................................................................................................... 17
Dispute Resolution .............................................................................................. 17 BOARD of TRUSTEES............................................................................................ 18Board of Trustees ............................................................................................... 18 OTHER STANDING BODIES................................................................................... 18Communication Cell ........................................................................................... 18Policy and Strategy............................................................................................ 18Political Education Unit (PEU) ............................................................................. 18Programmes .................................................................................................... 19Research and Analysis Unit ............................................................................. 19Social Committee ................................................................................................ 19National Organising Committee (NOC) ............................................................... 19 SCHEDULE ....................................................................................................................................... 21
PART TWELVE: ARTICLE 69: Article 70: Article 71: Article 72: Article 73: Article 74: Article 75:
Our party, Gambia For All, is emerging on the national political scene at a critical juncture in the history of our country as an independent nation state. For over two decades, our people endured an obscurantist dictatorship whose sinister features included reckless abuse of power, a bewildering level of incompetence in the management of public affairs and kleptomania which proceeded with an outrageous squandering of scarce resources and opportunities. The cumulative result of all these has been a country in an advanced state of decay with a ruined economy, a deeply ingrained culture of corruption and malfeasance, and a society hopelessly polarised along all imaginable fault lines. It is, indeed, an arguable proposition to suggest that The Gambia today more accurately projects the image of a country in the sense of a mere geographical expression than it resembles a state, i.e. a sovereign political entity, [a republic at that!], which is responsive to the legitimate aspirations of its constituents and is serious about catering to the most basic of their needs.
As a people we have succeeded in dislodging a despicable despot; for that historic triumph we deserve all the accolade we now receive for the determination we demonstrated. But the odious despotism had lasted long enough to foster a culture and a whole system which are still in place in our country. Worse, for the discerning observer, the frightful prospect now staring at us in the face is no less than that of state failure, given the destruction and the extensive havoc wreaked on our essentially very fragile nation. The warning signs are clear.
It is against that backdrop that we felt moved by a sense of patriotic duty, as well as by an awareness of our collective responsibility, into conceiving the idea of Gambia For All party.We are resolved to float a democratic movement to serve as a unifying force to bring together Gambians sharing concern over the multiple challenges presently besetting our national project, as well as to pool their energies in a concerted action to rescue our country while there is still time. Our shared vision is one of a society at peace with itself and evolving within the context of an effective, modern, democratic state dedicated to promoting the well-being of our people through honest and responsible stewardship of the nation and its resources. We will, in that spirit, attach utmost importance and urgency to the imperative of promoting a society that will be fair, free and open, yet caring and attached to our traditional values of humanism. That way, we intend to seek to balance the values of liberty and equality for the benefit of the individual with those of community in the interest of the generality.
At the heart of our Party will be respect for the freedom and dignity of all, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or beliefs. We will champion and promote a state that will scrupulously respect all fundamental human rights, notably the right to speak, write, worship and associate, as well as the right to security and privacy. The nation which we seek to rebuild will be anchored in good governance, respect for the rule of law, including respect for the independence of the judiciary, so as to ensure respect for, and protection of, all constitutionally guaranteed rights.
A Gambia For All government will stand firmly for a competent, prudent and effective stewardship of the national resources including the environment. We will promote sustainable economic empowerment and wealth creation to lay the foundation for sustainable socio-economic development, a sine qua non for lifting present and future generations out of the grinding poverty which until now has been the lot assigned to them. This objective will be pursued in tandem with the realisation of our goal of social justice and national cohesion. We will foster an economy driven by a vibrant private sector, operating under a regime of transparent state regulation that will guard against the phenomenon of state capture, or oligarchy, ever again rearing its ugly head with, as natural result, the criminal plunder by a few of resources that rightfully belong to all the people. Therefore, even as it guarantees a conducive environment for vitally needed private investment, including entrepreneurship, professional development and self-actualisation, a Gambia For Allgovernment will jealously safeguard the public interest at all times and pursue policies that will promote the equitable distribution of the national wealth.
We see the public services as that critical engine needed to deliver the state’s promise of quality services for promoting the well-being of our people. A Gambia For All government will therefore strive to enhance the performance standards as well as the productivity of our public servants, matching this with insistence on a culture of responsiveness to the needs of the people they serve. Our vision of the public services calls for an independent machinery that will be secure in its work, and its tenure of office, from unwholesome partisan influences and will be driven solely by professional considerations and a sense duty to the nation.
In terms of external relations, we will work with other states and organisations, regional as well as global, towards achieving and maintaining a peaceful international order and a durable system of common security. In particular, we will accord top priority to relations with our immediate neighbours, recognising the strong bonds of geography, history and culture binding us. In the interest of greater efficiency, we will work to promote close cooperation, indeed integration, within the respective Senegambia, OMVG and ECOWAS spaces.
Recognising that in order to achieve these lofty goals and to safeguard their underpinning values, there will be need for a stable environment and a culture of purposeful state governance, Gambia For All party will steadfastly promote the democratic process to foster truly representative government essential for legitimacy. We will in particular nurture, encourage and support a robust and effective parliamentary institution capable of exercising meaningful oversight and control as well as help in curbing any propensity to executive excesses. For, we see an urgent need for due diligence in the application of the democratic principle of checks and balances to be operated through a genuine system of separation of powers in which the fundamental institutions of the state - executive, legislature and judiciary - co-exist, interact and collaborate but operate independently of each other.
In that connection, we view political parties as a cornerstone of representative democracy; in their quest for power and authority to manage public affairs, democratic parties offer alternative public policy proposals and seek to convince and mobilise citizens behind their respective visions of the national interest. In that way, the ideals of participatory democracy are attained, and the direction of public affairs ultimately reflects the feelings and wishes of the citizens.
Taken together, these fundamental values constitute the guiding principles which inform the conception and drawing up of the statutes of our party, as will be found elaborated in the following pages. It is our firm belief that this Constitution will serve as a solid foundation for a democratic organisation with a progressive modern outlook.
Article 1: Name
The name of the party shall be the Gambia For All. It is referred to in this Constitution as the Party.
Article 2: Symbol
The emblem of the Party shall be a swarm of bees on wings featured at the top right-hand corner with a corn cob in the middle.
Article 3: Colours
The distinctive colours of the party shall be Light Blue [top three quarters] with Gold [bottom one quarter].
Article 4: Motto
The motto of the party shall be Tesito, Justice, Discipline,
Article 5: Aim
PART TWO - AIMS AND OBJECTSThe overarching aim of the Party shall be to achieve the objects set forth below within the
spirit of the values and aspirations espoused in the Preamble to this Constitution.
Article 6: Objectives
6.i The primary objectives of the Party, on the domestic scene are:
(a) to build a genuine democratic nation-state in The Gambia which shall safeguard the sovereignty and independence of the nation, uphold the rule of law, pursue public policies that foster equal treatment for all citizens, without distinction or discrimination and afford all men and women equal opportunity to develop;
(b) to infuse in the Gambian populace a sense of our collective national identity which, while acknowledging our diversity, will harness our commonalities for the good of the nation. To that end the Party shall strive to raise the political awareness of the citizens whilst promoting a genuine sense of patriotism in the society;
(c) to ensure that the resources of the country are, as matter of priority, committed to the promotion of the well-being of the Gambian people and, to that end, to work relentlessly for the improvement of living conditions for all sections of the community, especially the farmers, manual workers, under-privileged and vulnerable segments of the society.
6.ii In external relations, the objectives of the Party shall be:
(a) to promote understanding and close collaboration with The Gambia’s immediateneighbours, including sub-regional cooperation and integration within the ECOWAS space;
(b) to work for the unity of the African continent, in collaboration with all democratic forces committed to that same cause;
(c) to support the work of the United Nations, the Commonwealth of Nations, the Organisation for Islamic Cooperation, and all other bodies working for the maintenance of world peace; and
(d) to work with all other progressive forces committed to the achievement of social justice for all peoples.
PART THREE – MEMBERSHIPThere shall be two Classes of membership of the Party, namely:
(a) Individual members
(b) Affiliated members
Article 8: Individual Membership
Any person aged eighteen (18) or above, who accepts the objects, policies, programmes and rules of the Party, shall be eligible for membership provided that:
he or she is not a member of any other political party or of any organisation whose policies are inconsistent with those of the party;
his or her membership is approved by the Central Committee;
Article 7: Class
Article 9:
Procedure for Acquiring Membership
Application for membership shall be made to the Executive Committee of theBranch for consideration and provisional endorsement, subject to the approval by the Central Committee. In exceptional circumstances, applications may be made to the Party Secretariat for consideration by the Central Committee.
Upon admission to membership, a member shall be liable to pay a membership fee in the sum to be determined by the Central Committee against which payment he or she shall be issued a membership card.
iii. Additionally, members shall be liable to pay annual subscription to be in a sum to be determined by the Central Committee; unless where he or she is up to date with annual subscriptions, no member shall be eligible for holding an elective office within the Party.
Article 10: Affiliated Members
Affiliated membership shall be open to trade unions, cultural organizations, women’sorganisations, youth and sports organisations, farmers organisations, kafos and any other organisations approved by the Central Committee of the Party, provided that any such organisation wishing to affiliate with the Party must:
accept the aims, objects and policies of the Party;
be, in the opinion of the Central Committee, a bona fide democratic organisation;
accompany its application for affiliation with a resolution duly passed and signed by competent authority according to its own Constitution;
pay, upon admission, an affiliation fee a sum to be determined by the Central Committee; and
pay annual membership dues in a sum to be determined by the Central Committee.
Article 11: Branch
The base grassroots organisational structure of the Party shall be called the Branch
Article 12: Territory
In area terms, the Branch shall correspond to a village, a ward or such other territorial space as determined by the Central Committee.
Article 13: Charter
To signify recognition of a Branch and Diaspora as an organ of the Party, it shall be issued a Charter by the Central Committee.
Article 14: Branch Executive Committee (BEC)The authority for overseeing the life and work of the Party within the Branch is vested in theBranch Executive Committee.
Article 15: Composition
The Branch Executive Committee shall be selected annually at the General Meeting of the Branch. Its composition shall be determined from time to time by the Central Committee, and advised through operational guidelines.
Article 16: Duties of the Branch Executive Committee
The duties of the Branch Executive Committee shall include:6
Spearhead the sensitisation, mobilisation and organisational work of the Party within the Branch, including the supervision and coordination of all-Party activities within the Branch;
Drive efforts for the recruitment of new members, including the reception, processing and provisional approval of membership applications, subject to approval by the Central Committee.
Maintain an accurate membership roll, and account for all monies received in payment of membership dues and all other funds received on behalf of the Party;
Carry out its work in accordance with guidelines from time to time provided by the leadership of the Party and under the general supervision of the Constituency Executive Committee.
The Branch Executive Committee shall meet at least once every month. One-half of its members shall constitute the quorum for the meeting.
Article 17: Constituency Executive Committee (CEC)
The Constituency Executive Committee shall carry out the Party’s policies, decisions and programmes, within the Constituency. The Constituency Executive Committee shall oversee and support the work of the Branch Executive Committees in the Constituency. It shall serve as the principal driving force behind the life and work of the party within the Constituency.
Article 18: Composition
The Constituency Executive Committee shall be elected by the Annual Constituency Conference. Its composition shall be determined from time to time by the Central Committee, and advised through operational guidelines.
Article 19: Duties of the Constituency Executive Committee
The duties of the Constituency Executive Committee shall include:
Directing and/or supervising all activities of the Party within the Constituency,including the establishment of Branch structures as well as support for and supervision of their functioning;
Ensure liaison, in all operational matters, between the leadership of the Party and grassroots organisations within the constituency;
Convene the Annual Conference of the Constituency to enable Branches, through their delegates, to review, discuss and decide on matters related to the life and work of the Party within the constituency. The Constituency Conference shall be held at the discretion of the Constituency Executive Committee, or at the instance of a resolution endorsed by one-third of the Branches in the Constituency. The Constituency Executive Committee shall see to the carrying out of the decisions taken at the Conference; and
The Constituency Committee shall meet at least once every three (3) months. Two- thirds of its members shall constitute the quorum for the meeting.
Article 20: Area Executive Committee (AEC)
The authority for driving the life and work of the Party within the Area shall be vested in theArea Executive Committee (AEC). The territory of an Area shall be determined from time to time by the Central Committee. It shall normally comprise neighbouring Constituencies with identical features. Except that for Diaspora structures, the Central Committee shall in its discretion determine what shall constitute an Area.
Article 21: Composition
The Area Executive Committee shall be elected annually by the Annual Area Conference. Its composition shall be determined, from time to time, by the Central Committee and advised through operational guidelines.
Article 22: Duties of the Area Executive Committee (AEC)
The duties of the Area Executive Committee shall include:
carrying out within its area of jurisdiction the policies of the Party as laid out by the National Congress, as well as programmes, decisions and directives handed down from the Central Committee.
making recommendations to the Central Committee, through the Party Secretariat, on matters affecting the life and progress of the Party within the Area
determine work programmes designed to promote the Party within its respective Area, in keeping with the basic policies laid down by the National Congress.
support the work of the Constituency Executive Committees and see to the effective coordination and work of the Party within its area of jurisdiction;
work under the general guidance of the Central Committee through the Party National Secretariat to which it shall be accountable for the progress of the party in its Area;
under the general supervision of the Central Committee, direct and guide the work of the Party related to local government affairs as well as work to promote educational and cultural activities in its Area;
convene the Annual Area Conference to allow delegates representing Constituencies or other chartered units within its Area to discuss and lay down Area work programmes and decide on such organisational issues as apply to the Area;
undertake all other activities as may enhance support for the Party within its Area of jurisdiction; and
meet at least once every six (6) months. Its quorum shall be two-thirds of its membership.
PART FIVE – MASS MOBILISATION STRUCTURESArticle 23: Women’s and Youth Sections
In its directives, or other operational guidelines, touching on the composition of the Branch Executive Committees, Constituency Executive Committees and Area Executive Committees, the Central Committee shall provide for the inclusion of dedicated Sections, by way of allocated quotas in each such Executive Committee, to reflect the reality of the special interests which female and/or youthful members of the Party could best articulate. Except that, in keeping with the Party’s policy of not creating separate status, based on considerations of gender or generation, for any class of its membership, such Sections shall not be construed as constituting distinct or autonomous structures of the Party.
Article 24:
i. ii.
iii. iv.v.
Article 25:
Women’s League
By decision of the National Congress, shall be established a Gambia For AllWomen’s League, with its Executive Bureau as its executive arm.
The Biennial Conference of the Gambia For All Women’s League shall be convenedto which all Area Executive Committees shall send representatives to discuss matters touching on the life and work of the Party as they affect women. Membership of the Women’s League shall be open to all female members ofGambia For All.
The Women’s League shall spearhead and coordinate activities of the Party relating to women and work to maximise the Party’s following among women.Working under the general direction and guidance of the Party’s National Executive Secretariat and, through it, the Central Committee, the Women’sLeague shall maintain close working relationship with established Party structures in the field.
The Biennial Conference shall elect the Executive Bureau to lead the work of the Women’sLeague and run its affairs. The composition of the Executive Bureau shall be determined from time to time by the Central Committee and advised through operational guidelines.
Article 26: Duties
The functions and duties of the Women’s League shall include:
to spearhead efforts to recruit women into the Party and work to enhance their involvement in the life and work of the Party;
To assist in the mainstreaming of progressive gender policies to promote the empowerment of women
facilitate contact and communication between the Party and its female members in the country and in the diaspora;
Article 27:
assist in articulating the needs and interests of women within the Party and to work to raise, among the Party’s leadership and general following, awareness of these and all other gender-specific issues; and
to generally undertake activities designed to enhance the party’s membershipamong women in the country.
The Executive Bureau of the Women’s League shall meet at least once every three (3) months; the quorum for meetings shall be two-thirds of its membership.
Article 28:
vi. vii.
viii. ix.x.
Article 29:
Youth League
By decision of the National Congress, shall be established the Gambia For All Youth League, with its Executive Bureau as its executive arm.
The Biennial Conference of the Youth League shall be convened to which all Area Executive Committees shall send representatives to discuss matters touching on the life and work of the Party as they affect youths.
Membership of the Youth League shall be open to all youthful members of Gambia For All.
The Youth League shall spearhead and coordinate activities of the Party relating to youths and work to maximise the Party’s membership among young people.Working under the general direction and guidance of the Party’s National Executive Secretariat and, through it, the Central Committee, the Youth League shall maintain close working relationship with all established Party structures.
The Biennial Conference shall elect the Executive Bureau to lead the work of the Youth League and to run its affairs. The composition of the Executive Bureau shall be determined from time to time by the Central Committee and advised through operational guidelines.
Article 30: Duties
The functions and duties of the Youth League shall include:
spearheading efforts to recruit youths into the Party and work to enhance their involvement in the life and work of the Party;
Assist in articulating the special needs and interests of youths within the Party and work to raise, among the Party’s leadership and general following, awareness of these and all other youth-related or youth-specific issues;
facilitate contact and communication between the Party and its youthful following within the country and the diaspora;
to assist in mainstreaming youth issues and concerns in the formulation of party policies and programmes; and
generally, undertake activities designed to enhance the party’s membershipamong the young people.
Article 31: Meetings
The Executive Bureau of the Youth League shall meet at least once every three (3) months; the quorum for meetings shall be two-thirds of its membership.
Article 32: National Congress
The National Congress shall be the supreme organ of the Gambia For All party. The National Congress shall define the values and guiding principles of the party. It shall lay down the policies and determine the direction to be followed by the party.
Article 33: Composition
The National Congress shall be constituted as follows, except as otherwise determined by the
National Executive Committee:
Twelve (12) delegates duly selected by each Constituency Executive Committee, three (3) from whom shall represent the Women and three (3) the Youths.
One (1) delegate selected to represent each Diaspora Area Executive Committee;
Two (2) delegates selected by each of the affiliated organisations.
Central Committee members and National Officers, as ex officio members; except
that ex-officio members shall not be entitled to vote unless they are also duly elected by their respective Constituencies, Diaspora Area Executive Committees or affiliated organisations.
Article 34: Functions and Powers of the Congress
The National Congress shall have the prerogative to:
consider and approve the Constitution of the party and any subsequent amendments thereto;
formulate policies to guide the party and approve programmes of activities proposed for the execution of such policies;
receive and consider periodic reports, including audited accounts, submitted to it, on behalf of the National Executive Committee, on the life and work of the party;
elect members to fill vacant elective positions for the smooth running of the party;
lay down in advance clear and transparent rules to govern the election process, including specification of voting mechanisms to be used as well as processes for appeal
in the event of disputes; and
deal with all other matters referred to it which affect the direction of the Party.
Article 35: Decisions
The decisions of the National Congress shall be binding on all members of the party and on all affiliated organisations.
Article 36: Meetings- Ordinary Session
The National Congress of the Gambia For All party shall be convened in ordinary session at least once every two (2) years on such date and place as may be fixed by the NationalExecutive Committee. At least three (3) months’ notice must be given before the Congress.
Article 37: Meetings- Extraordinary Session
A special or extraordinary session of the National Congress may be convened by the NationalExecutive Committee whenever deemed necessary provided that at least one month’s noticeis given.
Article 38: Congress Bureau
The proceedings of the National Congress shall be presided over by the Congress Bureau to be elected by the delegates.
Article 39: Decisions
The decisions of the National Congress shall be by a simple majority.
Article 40: Qualification
To qualify for participation in the National Congress, a delegate must:
be bona fide member of the constituency, diaspora area or other affiliated organisation in whose name he or she seeks to participate in the Congress proceedings;
not act as delegate for more than one organisation or constituency;
be fully paid up member of the party; and
accept to conform to the constitution, principles and policies of the party.
Article 41: National Executive Committee (NEC)
The prerogative of deciding on policy direction for the party, between Congresses, shall be vested in the National Executive Committee.
Article 42: Delegation
The Central Committee shall act as the Directorate of the National Executive Committee. The National Executive Committee shall delegate its powers and responsibility for the direction and supervision of the work of the Party administrative machinery, as well as the activities of all-Party subordinate structures to the Central Committee.
Article 43: Composition
The National Executive Committee shall be composed of:
i. the Party National Chairman, as Chairman;
ii. the Party Leader and Secretary General of the party;
iii. members of the Secretariat;
iv. members of the Central Committee;
one (1) representative to be selected by each constituency; except that in the case of a constituency which has no Gambia For All party member of parliament, two (2) representatives;
five (5) members to be selected by the Executive Bureau of the Youth League and five (5) members to be selected by the Executive Bureau of the Women’s League.
Article 44: Functions
The functions and duties of the National Executive Committee shall be to:
Article 45:
ensure that the provisions of the Party Constitution as well as other Party rules and regulations are enforced;
oversee the implementation of policies decided by, or behalf of, the National Congress;
request for and consider reports on the execution of Party policies and programmes.
convene the National Congress, in keeping with the procedure outlined in Articles 36 and 37 herein; and
take all other actions deemed necessary for the smooth running of the party.
The National Executive Committee shall meet at least once every six (6) months to hear reports from the Central Committee on the state of the party. Emergency meetings of the National Executive Committee shall be convened as deemed fit by the Chairman, or on a resolution endorsed by at least fifteen (15) Constituency Executive Committees. The meetings of the National Executive Committee shall be chaired by the Party’s National Chairman. The quorum for a meeting of the National Executive Committee shall be at least one-third of its membership.
Article 46: Central Committee
The Central Committee (CC) shall act as the Directorate of the National Executive Committee.Article 47: Composition
The Composition of the Central Committee shall be as follows:
the Party Leader and Secretary General, as Chairman;
the Party’s National Chairman;
members of the Party’s Secretariat;
all Members of Parliament of the party;
twenty-five (25) members of the party selected by the Party Leader and approved by the National Executive Committee.
Article 48: Functions
The functions and duties of the Central Committee shall include:
i. ii. iii.
Article 49:
seeing to it that the policies and decisions taken by the National Congress and/or the National Executive Committee are effectively executed;
supervising the administrative machinery of the party at all levels to ensure that the affairs of the party are managed with diligence and effectiveness;
taking all measure, it deems necessary to enforce decisions and implement programmes as laid down by the National Congress and or the National Executive Committee, to which body it shall submit half-yearly reports of activities; Determine what constitutes an area, determine the membership of area, constituency and branch committee and determine the membership fees and annual fees applicable within the party; and
Undertake all other duties assigned to it to ensure the efficient and smooth operation of the party.
National Executive Secretariat
The Party’s National Executive Secretariat (NES) shall be responsible for the day to day administration of the Party.
Article 50: Composition
The composition of the party Secretariat shall be as follows:
Party Leader and Secretary General, as Chairman;
Ten (10) Assistant Secretaries General selected by the Party Leader and Secretary
General and approved by the Central Committee, one (1) of whom shall be the Party National Chairman, one (1) Honorary Treasurer, one (1) Chief Mobiliser, one (1)Head of Discipline Committee, one (1) Chairperson of the Executive Bureau of the Women’sLeague and one (1) the Chairperson of the Executive Bureau of the Youth League. At its discretion the Secretariat may coopt as and when necessary.
Article 51: Functions
The functions and duties of the National Executive Secretariat include:
direction and management of the affairs of the Party;
supervision and control of the administration of the Party work;
oversight of, and support for, the work of the Party Headquarters as well as
administrative bureaux and other field structures and organs of the party;
effective liaison between the leadership and the Party’s broad base;
generally seeing to the effective administration of the Party; and
reporting its decisions to the Central Committee for ratification.
Article 52: Selection of Candidates
Selection, as candidate to contest elections to public office under the colours of the Gambia For Allparty, shall be open to all members, subject to application and selection regulations, as outlined hereunder.
Article 53: Selection Regulations
Whenever elections to public office are scheduled, the National Executive Secretariat shall convene, or cause to be convened, a Selection Panel for the purpose of selecting candidates to contest under party colours.
53.i. For presidential elections, the National Congress, or in default, the National Executive Committee shall constitute such a Selection Panel.
53.ii. For parliamentary elections, the Selection Panel shall consist of:
Party Leader and Secretary General, as Chairman;
National Executive Secretariat members;
Central Committee members;
Five (5) delegates to represent the Executive Committee of the Constituency affected.
53.iii. For local government elections, the National Executive Secretariat shall, in the name and on behalf of the Central Committee, delegate the responsibility to the concerned Area Executive Committees to constitute themselves into Selection Panels for the purposes of selecting candidates. Such Selection Panels shall include five (5) delegates from the Executive Committees for each affected Constituency.
Article 54: Party Parliamentary Committee
For the purpose of following and supporting the work of the National Parliament, as it relates to the Party’s policies, principles and identity, there shall be established a Party Parliamentary Committeewhich shall meet before and following each parliamentary session.
Article 55: Composition
The party Parliamentary Committee shall consist of:
a) Members of the National Executive Secretariat;
b) All Gambia For All Members of Parliament.
The meetings of the party Parliamentary Committee shall be chaired by the Party Leader and Secretary General. The quorum for the meeting shall be one-half of the membership
ARTICLE 56: Party Treasurer
The National Congress shall elect a member to fill the position of Party Treasurer for the party. The responsibilities of the Honorary Treasurer shall include:
chairing the work of the Finance Committee of the Party;
control of party funds and other property;
maintaining accurate books and records of the accounts;
submitting quarterly accounts to the National Executive Secretariat, and onwards to the
Central Committee;
submitting audited accounts to the National Congress.
Article 57: Finance Committee
The Central Committee shall, upon recommendation by the National Executive Secretariat, establish the Finance Committee of the Party to comprise no more than seven (7) members, with the Party Treasurer as Chairman. The function of the Finance Committee shall be to raise financial and other resources in support of the work of the party.
Article 58: Funds
The general funds of the party shall be derived from proceeds of functions (dances, football matches, etc.) voluntary subscriptions, appeals, donations, sale of property, badges, literature, admission fees of individual members and organisations, membership dues and all other sources approved by the Central Committee.
Article 59: Banking
Except in the case of authorized imprests, all Party funds shall be deposited in a bank.
59.i. The Authorised Signatories for the Party’s bank accounts shall be the Honorary Treasurer, one other member of the Finance Committee, the Party Leader and Secretary General and the person serving as the Administrative Head at the Party Headquarters.
59.ii. Withdrawal of funds from Party accounts shall be by instruments to be signed by the Honorary Treasurer and at least one (1) other Authorised Signatory.
Article 60: Other Property
The party may acquire, hold, manage and dispose of moveable and immovable property.
Article 61: Trustees
Three (3) Trustees, one of whom shall be the Honorary Treasurer, to be elected by the National Congress, shall have powers vested in them to manage, dispose of or otherwise deal with such property on behalf of the party. The Trustees shall have the authority to hold on behalf and for the benefit of the party any movable and immovable property.
Article 62: Financial records
The Honorary Treasurer, and any other members given responsibility for the control of party finances, shall keep proper and adequate records.
Article 63: Internal Controls
The Party Secretariat through the Honorary Treasurer shall institute adequate mechanisms and procedures to ensure internal accountability by all persons handling party funds.
Article 64: External Audit
The accounts of the party shall be subjected to annual external audit. Such audited accounts shall be submitted to the party National Executive Secretariat and Central committee as well as to the National Congress. The Central Committee shall, in addition authorise the public disclosure of such audited accounts.
Article 65: Disciplinary Committee
65.i. On recommendation of the Party Leader and Secretary General, the Central Committee shall establish the Disciplinary Committee of the Party.
65.ii. The Disciplinary Committee shall be chaired by a party member of no less in rank of a member of the National Executive Secretariat.
65.iii. The other members of the Disciplinary Committee shall be the members of the National Executive Secretariat plus three (3) members of the Central Committee.
Article 66: Procedure
A transparent disciplinary procedure shall be put in place detailing the process for handling complaints and other matters touching on discipline which affect Party members. Except that only the National Executive Committee shall have the powers to expel a member.
Article 67: Dispute Resolution
The National Executive Secretariat may, whenever it deems it necessary, appoint an ad hocIndependent Appeals body for the internal adjudication of disputes between Party members, in order to prevent them from escalating beyond a clash of perspectives. To that end, the National Executive Secretariat shall have the discretion to appoint persons from within or outside of the Party who in their opinion can suitably serve on such a dispute resolution body.
Article 68: Board of Trustees
The National Congress shall elect the Board of Trustees made up of no more than ten (10) distinguished personalities to serve as moral guardians for safeguarding the identity, values and principles that underpin the Gambia For All as an organisation. Vested with the prestige and the moral authority for such a mission, the Board of Trustees shall, whenever it deems it necessary, tender advice on any issues affecting the party and its standing in society.
ARTICLE 69: Communication Cell
Upon recommendation of the National Executive Secretariat, the Central Committee shall establish a dedicated Communication Cell to consist of persons possessing relevant skills.
69.i. The Communication Cell shall be charged with articulating the Party’s broad vision forsociety, as well as managing communication so as to project a positive image of the Party.
69.ii Authority to direct and control communication in the name of the Party shall be vested in the Communication Cell.
69.iii.The head of the Communication Cell shall be the Public Relations Officer; he/she shall be the Official Spokesperson and serve as the voice of the organisation.
Article 70: Policy and Strategy
With the objective set out in Article 69, the Communication Cell shall, from time to time, prepare and submit to the National Executive Secretariat for approval, a proposal for acommunication policy and strategy for the Party. Such communication policy and strategy may in addition be submitted to Central Committee for endorsement
Article 71: Political Education Unit (PEU)
Upon recommendation of the National Executive Secretariat, the Central Committee shall establish a Political Education Unit dedicated to raising the political awareness and general education of the Party’s broad membership. Chaired by the Chief Education Officer, the Political Education Unit shall, on a continuing basis, conceive and carry out programmes and other activities designed to enhance the level of political consciousness as well as to impart critical relevant skills in the Party’s membership.
Article 72: Programmes
The work of the Political Education Unit shall be guided by programmes duly submitted to and approved by the National Executive Secretariat, and endorsed by the Central Committee.
Article 73: Research and Analysis Unit
On the recommendation of the National Executive Secretariat, the Central Committee shall approve the establishment of the Research and Analysis Unit of the Party.
73.1. The National Executive Secretariat shall select persons with the requisite knowledge and skills to serve in the Research and Analysis Unit which shall be placed under the direction of the Chief Analyst.
73.ii. The Research and Analysis Unit shall be charged with the responsibility to observe trends and developments with potential policy implications for state governance or societal progress, and to provide analysis and advice to the National Executive Secretariat for consideration.
73.iii. The National Executive Secretariat may also, whenever it deems it necessary, commission the Research and Analysis Unit to undertake special studies and advice on issues of interest to Party’s policy development.
73.iv. Any such advice approved by the National Executive Secretariat may subsequently be referred to the Central Committee for endorsement.
Article 74: Social Committee
To encourage camaraderie and solidarity within the Party’s broad membership, the Central Committee shall, upon recommendation by the National Executive Secretariat, set up the dedicated Social Committee of the Party.
74.i. The Social Committee shall be charged with the responsibility of drawing up and carrying out programmes designed to promote healthy socialisation among the party membership.
74.ii. Programmes drawn up may, following approval by the party Secretariat, be brought to the Central Committee for endorsement.
Article 75: National Organising Committee (NOC)
On the recommendation of the National Executive Secretariat, the Central Committee shallapprove the establishment of the Party’s National Organising Committee of not more than fifteen (15) members.
75.i. The remit of the National Organising Committee shall include maintaining the Party’smembership on a continuing basis, and seeing to it that the Party’s operational units areproperly constituted and operating effectively on the ground.
75.ii. The Head of the National Organising Committee shall be Party Chief Mobiliser who shall be elected by the National Congress. The Chief Mobiliser shall be the Principal Animator of the party machinery on the ground and the driving force behind the enhancement of the party’s mass following.
75.iii. The Chief Mobiliser may recommend to the National Executive Secretariat the appointment ofArea Mobilising Officers to serve as focal points for the Party’s mobilisation and organisation work within their respective regions.
75.iv. The National Organising Committee shall proceed with its work and mission on the basis of periodic programmes to be submitted to the National Executive Secretariat for approval, and subsequent endorsement by the Central Committee.
75.v. The Chief Mobilisation Officer as well as Area Mobilising Officers shall carry out their work in strict consultation and collaboration with Party structures.
1. PartyNationalOfficers;
Members of the Central Committee
Members of the National Executive Secretariat
Party Leader and Secretary General
Party National President
Party Treasurer
Party Chief Mobiliser
2. PartyStandingBodies
Board of Trustees
Social Committee
National Organising Committee
Finance Committee
Party Parliamentary Committee
Communication Cell
Political Education Unit
Disciplinary Committee
The End.