Amie Fabureh


Minister of agriculture

Amie Fabureh earned a master's degree in horticulture ( Horticulture ) at the University of Reading in the UK. Soon after, she started working in the Gambian Ministry of Agriculture and worked in different parts of the country.

From 2007 to 2009 she was Training Officer in the Department of Agricultural Development Agency . Afterwards, she was Deputy Manager until 2017, and from 2017, Horticulture Technical Services Manager . One of the tasks was the support of communal gardens. 

In 2018, she was chairwoman of the National Women's Council National Women's Council (NWC). 

On March 27, 2019, she was appointed by President Adama Barrow as Minister of Agriculture in the Cabinet . At the time of her appointment, she had worked for the ministry for over 30 years.